Draw Wealth into your Life Automatically with Attractor Genie

For the first time in self-help history, technology has merged with metaphysics.

The result of this outrageous technology has aptly been named "Attractor Genie", as it offers results that would be considered pure science fiction just a few short years ago - or even now.

Never before has ANYONE been able to deliver the kind of results that are available via this radical technology. Here is a partial list of what you can expect when using Attractor Genie as directed:

erase fear with law of attraction  ALL your limiting money beliefs will be erased - AUTOMATICALLY
remove limiting beliefs with law of attraction Your ability to be broke will vanish - AUTOMATICALLY
create more money using the law of attraction Money will never again be a problem - AUTOMATICALLY
banish negative thougts You will end procrastination forever - AUTOMATICALLY
end procrastination with law of attraction You will live the life of your dreams - on your terms - starting today.
And so much more...

You may be shaking your head right now. Those claims can't be right - it's impossible...right?
Dear friend,
My name is John Petrov. 
Less than a year ago, I was at the lowest point in my life.
My relationships and finances were tearing at the seams and I was falling apart physically, emotionally and mentally.
I was broke, severely depressed and felt completely powerless to do anything about it. I was ready to give up on my dreams, and get a regular job just like everyone else I knew.

Unbeknownst to me, life as I knew it was about to alter forever.

I had watched “The Secret”, read all the right self-improvement books, and had spent close to $5000 on online self-help programs and courses which were designed to…help me reach my dreams. But the only thing I was reaching was the end of my rope, as none of these courses offered what I needed more than anything - immediate results.

  I’d also watched all the big TV shows that covered and praised The Law Of Attraction - Oprah, Ellen, Larry King, etc, and I ended up ordering most of the books and courses offered by the authors who were featured guests on those shows. Yet, course after unsuccessful course, I started losing the fire in my belly that I got when I first watched "The Secret".

Could it be that the Law Of Attraction wasn’t real? Was it possible that it was all some grand marketing scheme, based on nothing more than positive thinking?

Then, as I was about to throw in the towel, it happened...
I was surfing aimlessly on my computer, looking for something - anything that would give me hope. Inside, I was screaming to the Universe: “If this stuff is real, show me - give me some sort of sign!

Less than 1 minute later, there was a huge crashing sound, as objects came flying down all around me. I covered my head as books and boxes crashed down on my desk - they had fallen down from my bookshelf (this was bizarre in itself, because I’m a very neat person - I don’t just throw my stuff up on the shelves - I stack it very neatly).
I was about to start cleaning up this mess when something stopped me dead in my tracks...

"Spelled out right before me on my desk were the
4 words that would change everything for me..."

Somehow (I still don’t know how!), one of my books on the Law Of Attraction had landed on the left side of my desk, ALIGNING ITSELF PERFECTLY with my boxed copy of Windows XP Software, to perfectly spell out the word “Law Of Attraction Software”.
I immediately started searching Google for Law of attraction software, figuring that something, whether it be my subconscious mind or some cosmic force, was trying to tell me to find this LOA software, purchase it and start using it. I was so excited!
4 days and countless hours of searching later, I came to the conclusion that this software didn’t exist. I had searched every conceivable corner of the Internet, with nothing to show for it. I was extremely discouraged, to say the least.

But I wasn’t ready to quit.

The experience on my computer desk had triggered something inside of me - I wasn’t going to quit until I had this Law of attraction software.
So I asked for another sign.
With all the confidence in the world, I sat down at my desk and waited for the red sea to part again.

Nothing. A week went by - nothing.
Finally, I threw my hands in the air and said - out loudly this time: “OK, I surrender - maybe this is supposed to come in some other package than what I thought”. And I meant it - it was a true moment of surrender.
I walked into my tiny kitchen, cooked yet another bag of 20 cents ramen noodles, and sat down on my worn down (horrendously brown and green-striped) living room couch. With my bowl of noodles in one hand and my TV remote in the other, I settled on an old episode of “Home Improvement” with Tim Allen.
I felt unusually relaxed and calm. I half watched the show, as my mind drifted off to “Law Of Attraction Software land” - only this time, I was enjoying thinking about it. I knew this software didn’t exist, yet I wasn’t the least bit worried about how it was going to show up in my life.

A loud voice brought my mind back to the TV show:
“What did you say?”
YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT YOURSELF, AL!  - said Tim Allen’s character.
I almost choked on my noodles and the hair on my arms stood straight up. Short of a grand piano dropped on my head, the message couldn’t be any clearer:
I had to somehow make this Law Of Attraction software myself!
The only problem was that I didn’t have the faintest idea of where to start, as my tech knowledge at the time was limited to opening Internet Explorer. What I did know very clearly, however, was what I wanted from it:

"I wanted it to work - to help improve my life - immediately!"

At the time, that sounded entirely too good to be true, but I knew that I had to try, to at least find out. The signs just couldn’t be ignored.
I also knew what I didn’t want. My experience from reading and studying 20-30 of the leading Law Of Attraction/Self help books and programs on the market was always the same:

I was super-excited and hopeful for the first 1-3 weeks. I would observe little miracles take place left and right; leaving me convinced that THIS, was the method that was going to change my life. Then, just like clockworks, my old belief-system would kick in and bring me back to life as I knew it, which for me was broke, alone and unhappy.
As a matter of fact, for every program that failed to help me, I was left more confused and unhappy than before, as I thought there must surely be something wrong with ME.

"Why else wouldn’t any of these programs
(often created by world-renowned experts) work for me?"

Even though I hated to admit it, I knew the answer - there wasn’t anything wrong with me, but the programs failed because of me. The reason they didn’t work was because I - John Petrov - always got in my own way.

Let me clarify: In my journey towards happiness, I did extensive research into the power of the subconscious mind. What I found was that EVERY SINGLE DECISION WE MAKE IS REALLY MADE BY OUR SUBCONSCIOUS.
When you think you’re making a conscious choice, guess what? You’re not! Your subconscious mind has already made up its mind about it, and by the time you “make a decision”, it’s already been decided by your subconscious mind.
What you’re left with is a life at the mercy of your overprotective subconscious mind. If an experience(s) in early childhood left you to believe that money does NOT come easy, your subconscious mind will do anything to match that belief. It will overprotect, censor and dictate your life, so that it becomes a perfect match to your internal, true beliefs.
Why do you think you’re not:
   in love

Because it goes against your subconscious programming - it’s that simple.

"Want to know EXACTLY what kind of
subconscious programming is running your life right now?"

It’s easy: Just look at yourself and your life. Everything you see is a result of your subconscious beliefs.
are you brokeAre you broke? Subconscious belief.
Subconscious beliefAlone? Subconscious belief.
Are you deliriously happy most of the time? Subconscious belief.

I think you get the point.
This is not just my opinion, by the way.
There is overwhelming scientific evidence supporting this.

This is staggering information if you think about it. Until you find some way to alter those deep-rooted beliefs that you’re not even aware of, it doesn’t matter how many self-help programs you try - they will fail you - all of them.
Before you get too depressed about this, I’m here to assure that there IS a way to replace your subconscious beliefs, and it does NOT involve arduous work.

As a matter of fact, it is an automatic process. I know because I helped invent it.
You see, I was forced to do a huge amount of research in order to create my Law Of Attraction/Self-help Software. Over 1000 people with experience in the field of self-help participated in my research (I did this at no cost to me - that’s a whole ‘nother story!), and they were asked to choose from a list of 50 things they would love to see in a self-help system.
The number one thing, chosen by almost 67% of the study group, was “The ability to alter my belief system”. When I saw that, it only confirmed what I already had found, and I although I didn’t know how to pull it off, I knew that my LOA software had to have this feature.

The study also showed almost 20 other top preferred features, which were all eventually incorporated into my software.

In the “comments” section of the study, my favorite comment was one by a 29- year old female Harvard Graduate, who simply said “I want a magic genie ”.
I had been trying to come up with a name for my software and when I read that, I knew what I wanted to call it: Attractor Genie!
attractor genie - law of attraction software 
I loved the name, and it also perfectly summed up what I wanted my software to be:

"An effortless, almost magical way
to create the life of my dreams..."

As a side note I should let you know that I had absolutely no plans of selling this thing - I was only focused (more like obsessed at this point!) on creating this software that would help me reach all my goals in this life.
Back to my story - at this point, I was “in the zone”  - I was following my bliss, and as you may know, when you do that, things tend to fall into place very easily.
The next 2 months was a blur of research, programming (for which I received extremely cheap help), testing and probably more than anything - soul searching and brainstorming.

At the end of that 2 months, I had the rudimentary version of my Attractor Genie complete. I couldn’t have been more excited!

"Now it was time for the real test - would it work?"

I kept a daily log of my experiences, which I posted to my homepage at the time. I’ve condensed it a bit, to save you from reading 100 pages of detail.
law of attraction experiences
 Day 1: I feel incredible, but that could just be from the sheer anticipation
I’m feeling - no big earthquakes yet.
 Days 2-3: I REALLY like what the Subconscious Belief Reprogrammer is doing - it’s making me feel giggly inside. I also received an unexpected check for $75. Coincidence? Let’s keep going and see what happens.
 Days 4-10: I’m feeling increasingly wonderful for each day that goes. I’m really starting to feel the effects of my beliefs gradually changing - it’s as if I’m losing my ability to worry - about anything.
I love how effortless this feels.
 Days 11-15: Several people have been asking me what I’m doing different, since I look so great. One of my friends suggested I start selling Attractor Genie for a profit. I gave him a copy and he insisted on paying me for it. This is getting exciting.

 Days 15-30: My friend who bought Attractor Genie from me was so impressed with it that he wrote a blog about it (he runs a big health/yoga blog site). As a result, I made $1250 in sales - without a web site!
 Days 30-60: I used the money from the first sales to tweak and improve Attractor Genie, as well as make it more user-friendly. I launched the site, and just from word of mouth, I’ve already made another $2700 this month! There is no doubt in my mind that my software not only works, but that it works fast. Something like this has never happened to me before.

Since then, I’ve faithfully used my Attractor Genie every day. To say it has changed my life is the understatement of the century.
Let me give you some perspective: In the last 20 days, I’ve had over 17 000 people visit my web site, earning me more than I used to earn in a year.
I had NO idea it would get this big!
And while I’m flattered, I'm also a little freaked out by it. What’s happened is that Attractor Genie has removed all these subconscious blocks that was preventing me from earning this kind of money. However, my conscious mind is still not used to this, so I’m going through a very strange emotional roller coaster-ride. But I’m definitely not complaining!

The Self-Help "Gurus" Are Mad At Me!

I’m just your regular next-door guy who went for his dream. In that process, I happened to find a formula with the power to change lives. I’ve tried all the “Guru products” and guess what - they don’t work, and they know it! So when they see me having all this success, it upsets the status quo for them.
In fact, my friends  call me an “Anti Guru” because I’m probably the only person out there who is successful because of using the very product that I’m selling to you! I actually practice what I preach.
Listen, I hate these internet sales pages that try to reel you in just to get your money, just as much as I’m sure you do, and it would be a shame if this sounds like one of them. Because if it does, it means that you could be missing out on what might be the most important discovery of your life - my Attractor Genie.